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Tax Services

Tax Services

Tax is a personal service again. How shall it be a “personal service”? We promise deep understanding to your business and strive for you to get a fair tax treatment that what we promise to provide.

Our distinguished team, with a long experience in the different types of tax with an access to resources all over the world, guarantees the protection of your business wherever it is. Do not let tax issues stop the business from expanding and growing.
Corporate Income Tax
Complicated, challenging tax environment needs a trusted tax advisor that can guide your business to deal with the corporate income tax, capital gain tax, dividend distribution tax, resident & nonresident withholding tax and reporting obligations, which the business must comply with. Our experienced partners and staff will guide your business safely to comply with Tax laws.
Individual Income Tax
Payroll tax, imposed on the employees, is a critical element to determine gross salary scale. You shall be aware of taxable benefits, exempted benefits, how shall the company deal with the end-of-service payments, how expats payments treated, how shall the company comply with reporting requirements; all are concerns that our team will help your business through them.
Value Added Tax
Value added tax is the most popular indirect tax worldwide, levied on goods and services except for certain services and goods exempted according to the provisions of law 67/2016. It seems it is a straight line concept. However, a lot of complicated issues in the application thereof raise the question of what schedule tax is, is it deductible, what voluntary registration is, how and when VAT is refunded, exported services and goods, all are issues our VAT team can guide you to deal with.
Tax Compliance and Tax Due Diligence
To what extent the business unit complies with tax requirements; is your business exposed to risk due to non-compliance? Our experienced staff and tax partners provide independent self-assessment to the parent companies, headquarters and governance committees.

Tax assessment is also a crucial matter for the business acquisition transaction. Tax due diligence provides a newcomer investor insight into the risks that might be encountered in due diligence subject.
Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing concept is now -more than ever- one of the goals of almost all governments around the world to eliminate tax avoidance and tax shifting. According to the provisions of the Income Tax Law, the related party’s transaction shall reflect the arm’s length price (royalty, interests, goods and services); Kreston network has a specialized department that can help you determine the intra-group arm’s length pricing and bench marking different transactions across the industry.
Tax Planning
Whatever the stage of the business is, startups, matured and cross border operation or looking for sustainable growth, it requires an insight into the future to identify opportunities and risks. Tax planning is what your business needs to benefit from the tax incentives, recognize tax saving and avoid high tax exposure.
For more information, please check out this article

      Technology Revamping the Tax Services

Contacts Information


Rihana Plaza Tower, 10th Floor,

Zahraa El Maadi Street, Cairo, Egypt.

Mobile Phones:
(002) 01126639119
‎(002) 01552825597
Earth Lines
(002) 0225199932
(002) 0225199832
Business Hours

09:00 am - 05:30 pm - EET (UTC +2)

Email Address

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